Quick and easy, eco-friendly Kid Tips for parents. Email your parenting tips and kiddie tips to kiddietips@yahoo.com
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Snowy Cupcakes

Sunday, December 14, 2008
Get Creative

We purchased a doll house for my three old yesterday for Christmas. Well, we purchased two of them but one is going back. Janae wanted a Dora Doll House but that one is orange, plastic and kind of gaudy. The one we love is a pink and purple (her fav colors) and hand crafted wood with non-toxic paint Melissa and Doug house. Oh and did I mention the wood one is $40 cheaper on Amazon? So we are furnishing it with the Dora furniture and figures and will probably slap a big ole Dora sticker on the front of it. Toys R Us sells Wooderland, an eco-friendly line featuring non-toxic paints and rubber woods. Little more expensive but very cool.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Rub a dub dub
Saturday, November 22, 2008
French Toast Waffles

I got creative this morning. Well I didn't have a choice. Janae wanted pancakes, I wanted waffles but I had no mix and no desire to start from scratch. I had already heated up my orange heart waffle maker when I got Janae to agree to french toast. This is where it gets interesting. I buttered the iron and put an egg battered slice of 100% whole wheat bread on the waffle iron and closed it. And waited. I got excited because the possibilities where endless. The Scoop - They tasted very good and if you leave the bread in the batter another 30 seconds and then cook them on the iron they get quite fluffy. On the second one, I also mixed organic sugar and cinnamon and sprinkled some on top before closing the lid. Tasty.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Choo Choo

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Ants on a log

Somehow I tricked Janae into eating celery. Keep in mind she is not a fan of veggies. I include sliced baby carrots or cucumbers in her lunch but she won't touch them. So I threaten her. "No juice box tomorrow if you don't eat those carrots today," I warn her as I drive her and Belle to daycare. I ate one carrot she yells excitedly when I pick her up. I try again. She's a peanut butter addict so when we get home, I slice up a celery stalk and dip it in Trader Joe's Organic crunchy peanut butter explaining to her that mommy loved to eat this when she was a Girl Scout except I also put raisins on it. "Ohhh, I want to be a Girl Scout," she says eyeing the snack. Janae loved it and also agreed to eat peas for lunch. Her sister Belle on the other hand, flashes a dimple when I serve her frozen peas, cucumbers, and broccoli for breakfast.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
I go potty

My little Belle woke up with a dry diaper this morning so I rushed her to the potty chair and she tinkled twice. Lately I have been throwing her on the potty before I dip her in the bathtub and when she wrinkles her brow because a numero dos is arriving. She seems to get it. I say "Belle do you have to go pee pee?"She answers then beelines to the bathroom. Most important tip I can provide in this training is be willing to drop what you are doing and unfasten the diaper for a quick try. Also make a routine of when you place them on potty and stick to it. Finally if a slightly older sibling or cousin is present, let them go potty on the big toilet and let your little one watch. Treats work too, so every time they take a spin at it and produce, reward with cheers and a little piece of organic candy. Here is an eco-friendly potty chair and other tips.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
One Trick Helper

When I was a little girl in the 70's, cheese hamburger helper was my absolute favorite dinner. I have been looking for a healthier alternative for the girls and I think I struck gold. First off, Janae won't eat ground meat unless it's disguised with noodles and cheese or a red sauce. Here's my magic recipe with Annie's Homegrown Organic Macaroni and Cheese - Boil noodles for 10 minutes and cook ground beef until browned. Mix the cheese pack with 1/3 cup milk and a 1/2 cup of alfredo sauce. Mix sauce with noodles and meat. I served it with some cut up cucumbers and told Janae that this was my favorite dish when I was her age. Now every time I make it, she says, "Oh Mommy, your favorite dish! Mine too!"
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Stop the madness

Monday, September 22, 2008
Scratchy Scratch
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
I heart Hormel

Friday, September 5, 2008
The 4 minute cookie

Friday, August 22, 2008
Throwing Cookies

Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Tell me a story about teething
I spoke to a mom at daycare about Belle’s’s teething and she recommended I stop by a drugstore and buy some teething tablets by Hylands. These little white homeopathic tablets worked wonders combined with a little Ibuprofen and Hylands teething gel. I give her a dose of all of this right before she goes to sleep and then another dose around 2am or so. The teething gel is 100% natural with no dyes or coloring agents. The tablets are a homeopathic combination of natural ingredients that help with sleeping and decrease pain and irritability. She didn’t like the taste of them first so I dissolved two tablets in a small dish with a ½ teaspoon of water and then used a small dropper to insert the liquid into her mouth. She now likes the taste and will chew them like a vitamin. Hylands also carries ear ache tablets and drops which are quite spendy at around $17.00 a box but I heard they are worth it and much preferred then the dreaded antibiotics.
Friday, August 1, 2008
the simple life
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
More teeth please

Sunday, July 13, 2008
Evil mineral oil

Propylene Glycol-free Children's soaps / shampoos -Natural shampoo
Propylene Glycol-free Tooth paste - Natural Toothpaste
Organic beauty lines for the whole family - Kaia House and Futurenatural
Baby wipes - Seventh Generation and Home made
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Kiddie Swaps
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Drum Roll
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Broken bones

Thursday, June 12, 2008
They're Killing Us

Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Sleeping Wonders
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Time Eaters

1. Give them a nice, long bath with toys
2. Make popcorn, lay out a blanket and have a popcorn picnic - one kernel at a time
3. Show family videos on the TV - go back to birth and work your way to the current year
4. If its nice out, break out the sidewalk chalk and let them decorate the porch and sidewalk
5. Paint with water Activity books - comes with a paint brush, you supply the water (picture shown)
Friday, June 6, 2008
Got a jones for Trader

Monday, May 26, 2008
Stroller Sleepin'
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Digging for grains

Sprouted grains are the new 100% whole wheat. I bought a loaf of 4:9 non-flour bread by Ezekiel. The first week the girls ate it fine as a sandwich - admittedly it is a little bland and harder than the preservative filled loafs we are accustomed to. This week, they protested by eating the insides: turkey and cheese and forgoing the "bread". I am still a believer in sprouted grains as it makes great toast and they usually don't have high fructose corn syrup, sugar, gluten...but I am trying a different brand next time.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Are you hungry?

I have been taking this nutrition class at work that has me changing my whole frame of mind regarding eating. At this point, any changes I make can only make things better. We now eat maple syrup vs lite Ms. Butterworth, Ezkiel sprout bread vs 100% whole wheat, nested organic eggs vs non organic, more fresh veggies like broccoli, cucumbers vs frozen or can veggies and steel cut oats vs rolled oats. As our Nutritionist says, "It's expensive to be healthy and even more to be sick. " Lastly, he likes to remind us to only eat when we are hungry. I am finding that I am really not hungry often...
Thursday, April 24, 2008
5 Earthday Kiddie Tips
*Reuse plastic snack bags or put snacks in little plastic bowls with lids
*Use less wipeys since these aren't recyclable.
*Say no to bottled water and opt for tap water - your kids need the fluoride anyways
*If there are no obvious stains on their clothing, fold it and let them wear it one more time.
*Hand me downs are cool & toys from other kids are better - get rid of it!
Friday, April 11, 2008
Bye Bye baba

My little one has been successfully weaned from nursing. I did this by eliminating her least favorite nursling's first and making these changes every 5 days or so until we got down to her most favorite nursing and then I went down to feeding her every other day, then every three days...
Luckily she loves cow's milk but she also loves her bottle and I have heard so many stories about babies and their bottles. Plus when they get attached to the bottle, it's harder to potty train them as they take in more fluid from a bottle. So I have not successfully weaned her from the bottle and I put her milk in a sippy cup...Mommy's tired...I think I need a baba now.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
It's raining...let's play outside
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Birthday on the cheap

Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Bye Bye Dora

I've been turning off the TV more. When we get home from daycare/work, I let the kids roam around while I get dinner ready. The easiest thing to do is turn on the TV. But I don't even though I like listening to the news while I cook. Instead the girls play and chatter is the background noise or I put on a kid's music CD. Sometimes at the end of the meal, I might turn on Dora or Little Bear but that's after Janae as eaten most of her dinner otherwise she gets distracted and won't eat while the TV hums.
Friday, March 7, 2008
What's for lunch?

For lunch or dinner, I heat up canned low sodium soups and add frozen peas and carrots. I strain the juice off for my little one but my toddler now loves to drink the broth. Their favorite soups are the Campbell's Select low sodium Italian Wedding Soup with little meatballs, spinach and small rice noodles. I always keep a frozen bag of peas to add some green to anything they are eating. Whether it's mac n cheese, spaghetti or pizza.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Cereal desserts

I am in love with General Mills anything. For the past few weeks, my after dinner dessert has been Reese's Puffs - peanut butter and chocolate puffs with whole grain goodness. Today, I bought a box of Fruity Cheerios (healthier Fruit Loops) and Chocolate Cookie Cookie Crisp. Now I know these are not the best for me, but much better than me baking a few dozen peanut butter or chocolate chip cookies which has been the go to dessert. My daughters love munching on these cereals and we have also discovered Kix. Since 2005, all General Mills cereals are made with whole grains. The higher your intake of whole grains, the lower your risk for diabetes, certain types of cancer, heart disease and obesity. Nuff said.
Friday, February 22, 2008
The new pacifer

Wednesday, February 20, 2008
We play

Thursday, February 7, 2008
Positive Discipline
I just organized and attended a Parents Brown Bag at my work on this subject of positive discpline. "A misbehaving child is a discouraged child," our speaker said. She introduced and advised the balanced "backbone" parenting style of high kindess and high firmness. What really opened my eyes was making a list of all the things we wanted our children to be at 18 years of age. Our list included: sweet, lovable, responsible, independent, balanced, and secure. Of course we all want this little perfect person in the end but as Melanie showed us, we have to role model it first. Show them consistently the person we want them to be.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Cooking for the masses

Friday, January 25, 2008
My Friends Tips - Food
Trail Mix - We use cold cereal (honeycomb, cheerios, honey wheat rice chex…something crunchy), sweet raisins, peanuts or honey roasted peanuts, chocolate chips or peanut butter chips, goldfish crackers, coconut, banana chips. We make a huge batch and stick in little snack baggies. She eats it all the time.
Smoothies - We make fruit smoothies and freeze them in red keg cups. When our little one wants one we just nuke it for a few seconds, stir and we are good to go. I add protein powder on occasion.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Tag your it

Thursday, January 10, 2008
My Friends Kiddie Tips - Coming Home
mom, as soon as you arrive home at the end of your
work day, give your children 15-30 minutes of your
full attention before starting dinner or your other
mommy chores and they seem to be much more content
playing and not so klingy for your attention!
Monday, January 7, 2008

Ikea is so kid friendly. In the restaurant area they have a little area for kids to play, family friendly bathrooms with nursing and diaper changing rooms, and a little daycare to drop off the wee-ones. Lunch was $6.27 for three of us and their meatballs and gravy are delicious!
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
My Friends Kiddie Tips - cloth diapers
Kiddie Clutter
Quick and easy, eco-friendly Kid Tips for parents. Email your parenting tips and kiddie tips to kiddietips@yahoo.com